One of my friends who happens to be black and have a large cock, stayed over my house once. I noticed my Wife had left the bed around 11pm, all I heard was moaning and grunting all night til about 2am. Around 6am, it all started over again....and shortly after I felt her sneak back into our bed. She blew me and we fucked, I could tell he had opened up her pussy real good. I never said anything, it would have been too weird.
To both Latinluva and IncompatibleFuse2: Isn't it better to be open and honest as a couple? And share these things in front of the other. I understand the adrenaline and joy that some ladies may go through by being alone with the lover. But sharing those moments together.. is much more eyeopening and pleasurable for both. Providing that we set aside our fears and inhibitions ..Greetz!